Our Minister

Picture of Ben, wearing a lightly-coloured collared shirt with a black background.

Rev. Ben Robins

Hi, I’m Ben, I’ve been the minister here since August 2024.

I have a physics background. I love asking why, why, why, until we get to the fundamental questions and the deepest mysteries. I love looking at life from every angle and rigorously checking my beliefs.

I lived at a dance retreat center for 5 years – it was improv dance, and it attracted a lot of earthy people, creative people, spiritual people. The practice of improvising and living in the moment attracted people interested in personal growth, community-building and making the world a better place.

I was very shy growing up. I like helping people to blossom and find their people, and I love being part of a community that makes room for difference and celebrates the many ways of being human.

My wife Tanya is a therapist. We have a golden retriever Henry and two cats Sam and Rosie.

If you’d like to say hello, I’m at minister@uuch.ca.