Sunday Services start at 10:30 a.m.


Sunday Service: Infinity in a Grain of Sand

In this service we inhabit a mystical worldview, inviting awe, wonder, and an opening to the unknown. This is part 1 of a 3-part series exploring mysticism, naturalism and theism.

Service: Spring Equinox

This multigenerational service will include poetry, story, and music for all ages as we explore the themes of transformation and growth moving into spring! Dig into a morning of earth-based spirituality with us. This is part 2 of a 3-part series exploring mysticism, naturalism and theism.

Point Pleasant Park Hike

Meet at the upper parking lot. Rides will likely be available from UUCH at noon.

Open Mic Night

Always on the last Wednesday. Come singers, singer-songwriters, instrumentalists, poets and more. And of course, the enthusiastic audience.

Service: I Felt a Presence

We explore a theistic worldview, that there is a divine presence that exists outside of time. This is part 3 of a 3-part series exploring mysticism, naturalism and theism.

Youth Games Night

Contact Ben at for location and details.

Building Your Own Theology

This is an opportunity to develop your own personal credo, the fundamental beliefs, values, and convictions that inform and direct your life. Tentative topics include human nature, ultimate reality, ethics, the meaning of life, and your sense (if any) of the holy. Bring a bag lunch. Same time, same place on March 30th, April 13th,...

Building Your Own Theology

This is an opportunity to develop your own personal credo, the fundamental beliefs, values, and convictions that inform and direct your life. Tentative topics include human nature, ultimate reality, ethics, the meaning of life, and your sense (if any) of the holy. Bring a bag lunch. Same time, same place on March 30th, April 13th,...