Service: Inherent Mirth & Dignity
Join us for the story of the UU Hysterical Society, the practical joke that accidentally turned into a 230,000-person UU community on Facebook. It's a story of feeling lost, finding...
Sunday Services start at 10:30 a.m.
Join us for the story of the UU Hysterical Society, the practical joke that accidentally turned into a 230,000-person UU community on Facebook. It's a story of feeling lost, finding...
Welcoming Rev. Ben Robins The August 25th service will be followed by a potluck meal to meet and welcome our new minister, Rev. Ben Robins. Let's make the occasion a...
Aging. A fact of life. We all age every day. As an experience it beats the alternative. Many fine words are written about aging; some will be read today. Then,...
In our lngathering service, we bring together our hopes and dreams for the world, blend them together, and launch a new year. Bring water and/or stones, from home or somewhere...
Members and friends of our faith community are invited to our Annual Retreat for a congregational conversation about making our UUCH dreams come true. Come early for breakfast, stay after...
The day after our congregational retreat (to imagine the year), we explore what happens when humans try to shape the future.
Amidst an international fertility crisis, we reflect on how our own towns and cities might be adapted to be natural habitats for kids and families.
Today we recognize Truth and Reconciliation Day, Treaty Day, and the upcoming Mi'kmaw History Month. What do respectful relations look like?
Bring-Your-Own Bag Lunch get-togethers are planned for Wednesdays from 12:30 to 2:00. No agenda, just 'how's your spirit today' check-ins and a conversation topic. We'll start with weekly gatherings and...
As freethinkers we don't always agree on how to do good in the world, especially when things are complicated. When do we expect agreement, loudly proclaimed, and when do we...
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