Sunday Services start at 10:30 a.m.


Service: Ancestor’s Breath

As the nights grow longer, we might feel a special connection with those who came before.   Your connection might be to family, chosen family, or to a weaver of one...


We'll sing chants from our hymnal and beyond

Lunch Bunch

Bring-Your-Own Bag Lunch get-togethers are planned for Wednesdays from 12:15 to 1:30. No agenda, just 'how's your spirit today' check-ins and a conversation topic. We'll start with weekly gatherings and...

Cemetery Poetry Night

On Halloween, we'll read soulful poems at a local cemetery. Contact Ben for the location, You could also come by the church beforehand for hot chocolate, and we'll head...

Service: Language is Power

The English language - its structure, vocabulary and usage, developed over centuries - is embedded with the values, the priorities, the worldview, of the cultures it grew in. When do...

Semi-Annual General Meeting (SAGM)

The UUCH Semi-Annual General Meeting will be held following the service on November 3rd. It will include the proposed budget for 2025.

Lunch Bunch

Bring-Your-Own Bag Lunch get-togethers are planned for Wednesdays from 12:15 to 1:30. No agenda, just ‘how’s your spirit today’ check-ins and a conversation topic. We’ll start with weekly gatherings and...

The Creatives

Depending on the interests of those who come, we will write, draw, sing or dance. Perhaps it will open our hearts and minds; connect us with ourselves, each other and...

Service: We Remember

As we launch the pledge drive, and in honour of Remembrance Day, we remember all who have gotten us to where we are today, and we remember what it is...

Canvass Kick-Off & Soup Luncheon

Come and celebrate the many comforts and joys of belonging to this wonderful community of friends—all made possible by our combined generosity of spirit, vision, energy, and not least, our...