Sunday Services start at 10:30 a.m.


Youth Board Games at The Board Room Game Cafe

We are re-igniting our youth community - We are interested in community spaces where youth can gather to have fun and create some meaning in their lives. Email Ben to...

Service: If I Had a Second Chance

The second time you align your bike chain (or host a potluck, or get a puppy) can go more smoothly than the first; but sometimes in life your first try...

UU Parenting Discussion

What is "Unitarian Parenting" (if there is such a thing)? What does this look like or mean to you? Were you raised in a Unitarian family or are you raising...

Congregational Retreat

We have a retreat with our regional CUC staff person, Rev. Linda Thomson, to consider how a democratically-run congregation can best share or divvy up the work, to fulfill our...

Service: A Life of Service

On Sat Feb 8th, we have a retreat with our regional CUC staff person, Rev. Linda Thomson, to consider how a democratically-run congregation can best share or divvy up the...

Lunch Bunch

Bring-Your-Own Bag Lunch get-together. No agenda, just ‘how’s your spirit today’ check-ins and a conversation topic. We’ll start with weekly gatherings and see how that schedule works for the group.

Service: Cunard Navigates Anti Black Racism

Nova Scotia-born Samuel Cunard helped run companies for transatlantic passenger travel by ship in the 1800s. We will tell stories of how Black passengers were treated on those ships in...

Service: What Are We Rooted In?

Sum up your life in seven words. This might be your principles, your vision, or where you find meaning. Now do it in three words. Now one word. Today we...

No Prep Book Club

Bring a book you're reading, a book you love, or pull one off of the shelf of our library. You'll have the option to share about your book, or just...