Sunday Services start at 10:30 a.m.


Lunch Bunch

Bring-Your-Own Bag Lunch get-togethers are planned for Wednesdays from 12:15 to 1:30. No agenda, just ‘how’s your spirit today’ check-ins and a conversation topic. We’ll start with weekly gatherings and...

The Creatives

Depending on the interests of those who come, we will write, draw, sing or dance. Perhaps it will open our hearts and minds; connect us with ourselves, each other and...

Service: We Remember

As we launch the pledge drive, and in honour of Remembrance Day, we remember all who have gotten us to where we are today, and we remember what it is...

Canvass Kick-Off & Soup Luncheon

Come and celebrate the many comforts and joys of belonging to this wonderful community of friends—all made possible by our combined generosity of spirit, vision, energy, and not least, our...

Lunch Bunch

Bring-Your-Own Bag Lunch get-togethers are planned for Wednesdays from 12:15 to 1:30. No agenda, just ‘how’s your spirit today’ check-ins and a conversation topic. We’ll start with weekly gatherings and...

The Creatives

Depending on the interests of those who come, we will write, draw, sing or dance. Perhaps it will open our hearts and minds; connect us with ourselves, each other and...

Service: Forgive (But Not Yet?)

Hosea Ballou, who inspired the first Universalists in Nova Scotia, believed in a complete and loving forgiveness for all wrongdoing - but only after just retribution. His cousin Adin Ballou,...

Humanist Discussion

The topic we will be chewing on, from a humanist point of view, is the pluses and minuses of Artificial Intelligence. AI affects our lives in so many ways. All...

Lunch Bunch

Bring-Your-Own Bag Lunch get-togethers are planned for Wednesdays from 12:15 to 1:30. No agenda, just ‘how’s your spirit today’ check-ins and a conversation topic. We’ll start with weekly gatherings and...

The Creatives

Depending on the interests of those who come, we will write, draw, sing or dance. Perhaps it will open our hearts and minds; connect us with ourselves, each other and...

Service: Are You For Real?

From white lies to keeping nuanced opinions to ourselves, we might find that the masks we wear have become too much. We'll honour the human condition of partial transparency and...